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How to became a Hacker { Intermediate }.


Key logging is an art of hacking where you have physical access to the computer and its hardware ports for the keyboard. By using undetectable hardware, you can record every key your victim presses on their keyboard, revealing their account passwords so you can hack them.

Stealth is a key trait of any good hacker. The next key trait is vanishing without a trace. Keyloggers are great because you can hack anything with them, install them without being tracked by McAfee Antivirus, and leave with your victim’s passwords without them ever knowing.


  • Find out if your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you by getting their passwords and hacking their e-mail or dating web site account.
  • Get the password your parents set on the web filter so you can go to any site. You can also do this at school like I did.
  • Record your victim’s internet history and what they type into web sites.
  • Get your teacher’s computer password to change your grades.


One of the most technical things about hacking is ports. There are software ports (examples include things like Bluetooth and Telnet) and hardware ports that you plug hardware into (things like FireWire devices and RAM). Keyloggers deal with hardware ports, and luckily keyboards only use two: USB and PS/2.


USB ports are becoming really popular because they’re fast. They’re used not only for keyboards, but also printers, cameras, cell phones, wireless network/Wi-Fi cards, GoPros, and even XBox 360 controllers.
View an image of a USB Port
Warning: The picture above also labels lightning ports. Make sure you don’t confuse your USB ports with lightning, FireWire, or serial port and try to plug the keylogger in. It will not work.


PS/2 can be easily identified because they’re always purple, which is nice because you can find them quickly (good hackers are always fast). The only device that uses PS/2 is the keyboard, unlike USB, so you won’t have to worry about hooking the keylogger up to the wrong device. All you’ll need to do is look for the purple port on the back of the computer and install the keylogger.
View an image of a PS/2 Port


There are three different types of keyloggers. Read below to find out which one will work for the computer you’re trying to hack. I’ve listed the good and bad about each one and included pictures to identify the hardware ports you have.


USB keyloggers are my favorite because they’re less expensive and much faster compared to PS/2 or Wi-Fi. They work on Windows computers, Macintosh computers, Apple computers, and even servers. They typically don’t work on Linux computers because those usually have PS/2 instead.


The most insecure port of them all. PS/2 is widely used by by Linux servers. You probably won’t ever need this type because PS/2 or Linux hasn’t been used a lot since the late 1990’s.


Wireless keyloggers work like USB keyloggers (they use USB ports), except that they’re wireless, which means you don’t have to worry about uninstalling it to get the passwords. The bad thing about them is that they’re more expensive and not as fast as USB.


Keylogging can be tricky if you don’t know which port to look out for. If you read the instructions above, you should be prepared. To install a keylogger, just follow the steps below. I’m using USB in the pictures, but the same instructions apply to a PS/2 keyboard logger.
  1. Identify the target computer
  2. Trace the cord from the keyboard to the back of the computer.
  3. Unplug the keyboard to identify the port.
  4. Plug the keylogger into the hardware port, and then plug the keyboard into the keylogger.
  5. Wait as your victim unknowlingly stores all of his passwords, emails, web site history, and AIM instant messenger chats into the keylogger. Keyloggers can hold megabytes of information, which is a lot. This means you can wait days or even weeks if you want.
  6. When the coast is clear, unplug the keylogger and take it back to your computer.
  7. Hack them.


The cheapest place to find Keyllama USB keyloggers (they are the best) is on Amazon. The Keyllama stores 4 MegaBytes of keystrokes, which is 2000 pages of data.
Get your keylogger 

Posted by Nagesh ;)


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